
The Importance of Appointing an Independent Director

In the dynamic world of business, having an independent director on your firm’s Board is more than just a regulatory necessity: it’s a strategic imperative. Independent directors act as guardians of corporate governance, bringing impartiality and diversity of expertise to strategic decision-making. An independent director is essential for building resilience and ensuring long-term success.


My Background


My professional journey began at MAS Luxembourg, which I co-founded in March 2003 and led until January 2018. During this time, MAS evolved into MAS International Group, a leading corporate and fund administration firm. As Senior Partner, I played a pivotal role in managing client development and executing marketing strategies. During this period, I held directorships in Luxembourg and other European countries.

In July 2019, following the successful sale of MAS International, I founded Dorier Management & Advisory, specializing in independent directorships. This journey underscores my commitment to entrepreneurship and strategic leadership across various sectors, including real estate, renewables, technology, entertainment, distribution, and hospitality. These diverse experiences have provided invaluable insights into different industries.


International Directorship



Based in Luxembourg City, a key financial hub in Europe, I am well-equipped and highly motivated to take on directorship roles within the European Union. With a focus on confidentiality, risk mitigation, and efficiency, I actively seek opportunities to leverage my contacts, responsiveness, and technological expertise to help companies succeed, always adhering to the highest ethical standards.

Having traveled extensively, particularly in English-speaking regions, I have engaged with leading figures in private equity and real estate sectors. These experiences have broadened my horizons and enriched my understanding of diverse industries, fostering adaptability and a holistic approach to navigating business challenges and opportunities globally.


Personalised Corporate Support


As an independent director and consultant, I draw on my extensive experience to offer personalised support to my clients, which include law firms, consultancies, financial institutions and more. Actively seeking new directorships and committed to responsiveness, I prioritise human interaction, adopting a professional and proactive approach.


Ethical Governance Focus


Ethical governance is paramount in my approach, prioritizing trust-building through careful selection of directorships and personalized attention to each client. My commitment to lifelong learning is evident through active participation in continuous professional development programs, including memberships in the Institut Luxembourgeois des Administrateurs (ILA) and completion of the International Directors Programme at INSEAD Business School.

Regular participation in training sessions ensures I stay informed and equipped to navigate evolving legal and regulatory landscapes.


Memberships and Ongoing Growth


My commitment to lifelong learning is clear from my active participation in continuous professional development programmes.

I am a member of the Institut Luxembourgeois des Administrateurs (Luxembourg Institute of Directors – ILA), an institution dedicated to training, networking and guidance for directors, which provides a platform for continuous professional development, fostering a culture of excellence and ethical governance.

Along with my ILA membership, my completion of the International Directors Programme at INSEAD Business School in 2020 and 2021 underscores my commitment to staying abreast of industry best practice. Additionally, as an Affiliate Member of the Luxembourg Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (LPEA), I am able to keep my finger on the pulse of industry trends.

Committed to staying up-to-date with the evolving legal and regulatory landscape, I regularly participate in training sessions, including executive-level training on fund governance provided by highly qualified professionals. This ensures that I am well informed and equipped to navigate the complexities of the business environment.

My Commitment to Sustainable Governance

Sustainable Governance

ESG considerations are integral to my approach. While meeting regulatory requirements is essential, embracing environmental, social and governance principles is not merely a trend: it’s a strategic imperative. I view ESG as critical to ensuring companies’ long-term success and resilience. The commitment to ESG is in line with the broader movement toward responsible corporate citizenship and sustainable business practices.

To further confirm my dedication to ESG, I have personally invested, as a business angel, in the first social media platform focused on sustainable development, on whose Board I also serve. This hands-on involvement allows me to contribute actively to advancing sustainability initiatives, while aligning my personal investments with my professional commitment to ESG principles.

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